What Is Fungal Acne?

All over my FYP, people are talking about “fungal acne.” I’ve seen it on clients, cleared it in the studio, and heard it all when it comes to theories on how it starts in the first place. The one thing I’ve learned is: there is a lot of misinformation out there.

Firstly, fungal acne isn't acne at all; it's actually a malassezia overgrowth. Malassezia is a yeast, and what happens is is that you get this proliferation of yeast on the skin and it looks like acne, but technically it’s not. So, what is fungal acne exactly? Let’s dive in.

What Is Fungal Acne?

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(malessezia folliculitis)

Caused by an overgrowth of yeast on the skin, fungal acne disrupts the skin’s natural biome, which leads to small, itchy bumps. You’ll know you’re experiencing fungal acne when you see uniform bumps that have less redness and inflammation than inflamed acne. Itching is also a telltale sign.

What Causes Fungal Acne?

Malassezia yeast overgrowth causes fungal acne. This is a type of yeast that thrives in warm, human environments and when the skin’s balance is disrupted. Having a weakened skin barrier can also prime your skin for fungal acne to occur because damaged skin allows yeast to multiply. And of course, like a lot of acne types, excess sebum plays a huge role. Yeast feeds on oil, so having excess oil in your skin creates the perfect breeding ground.

What Triggers Fungal Acne?

There are fungal acne causes — and then, there are triggers. Common triggers include sweat, hot and humid environments, a high-sugar diet, tight synthetic clothing, some medications, and occlusive skincare like slugging balms.

Where Does Fungal Acne Appear?

Fungal acne often appears where we sweat — on the forehead, cheeks, t-zone, neck, chest, and back.

How to Treat Fungal Acne?

I tell my clients to look for antifungal ingredients like ketoconazole (e.g. Nizoral Shampoo) and use it as a mask for 5-10 minutes. I also recommend exfoliating acids like Mandelic Acid and salicylic acid to reduce yeast buildup and reduce inflammation, respectively. As for the rest of your routine, make sure to keep your skin clean and use non-comedogenic moisturizers that protect the skin barrier without clogging pores.

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