Just like there are many different types of acne, there are a number of things that cause it. Finding the root cause of your acne can require a lot of detective work, but I promise it will be worth it in the end.
This is a bit of a trick answer, because a lot of acne is caused by c. acnes bacteria. This forms inside the hair follicle due to an accumulation of dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. These can be exacerbated by any of the below, so I tend to start here when working with clients.
The most important thing to remember is that acne thrives when this bacteria is present. Make your skin inhospitable to it by washing your face twice per day and using a gentle exfoliant to remove dead skin cells and cut off acne’s food source. (I formulated Mandelic Clearing Serum to do just this.)
- Environmental Factors
- Like using scented laundry detergent, pollution, and water quality.
- Try swapping your detergent for an unscented version, especially for pillowcases and towels and see if that helps. If you find yourself only breaking out after coming home from a trip, consider investing in a water filter for your shower or sink to filter out any skin irritants.
Hormonal Changes
- Teenage acne is the most obvious example of this, but it’s not the only one. Hormonal acne can occur due to your menstrual cycle, phases of menopause, and hormonal imbalances caused by underlying issues.
- Stress also falls under this category and can lead to painful breakouts. So if you needed another reason to book that beach vacation… this might be it.
Diet and Medication
Certain foods and medications can contribute to acne — but that doesn’t mean you should immediately discontinue them. Always speak to your doctor before making major changes to your diet or routine.
Comedogenic Ingredients
Even fancy skincare and makeup can clog your pores thanks to a variety of different ingredients. To find out if your products are contributing to your breakouts, copy and paste the ingredients into the Non-Comedogenic Ingredient Checker and we’ll uncover any potentially problematic ingredients for you.
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